Headteacher: Mrs Carol Taylor
Phone: 02380 843162
At Orchard we firmly believe in the importance of the whole curriculum and the positive effects that extra-curricular activities can provide. We provide a whole host of sporting, musical and creative activities for the children to take part in across the School.
Below is our current list of clubs. Due to the nature of clubs, the list may not be wholly accurate as time goes by, but certainly gives a good indication of the clubs currently running by both our school staff and external providers.
For lunchtime clubs, children are informed during assemblies of when clubs are taking place; there is no need for parents to do anything in regards to lunchtime clubs - other than ensure they have the right things on the right day! However, permission slips and/ or payment will always be required for after school clubs.
Lunchtime Clubs
Monday 12.15-12.45 All year Groups - Vortex- (Athletics Throwing)
Appropriate weather kit
12.45 -1.15
All Years Choir
Tuesday 12.15-12.45 All Year Groups Boys Football
Appropriate weather kit (Shin Pads Are Essential)
Wednesday 12.15-12.45 All Years Cross Country
Trainers required
Appropriate weather kit
Friday 12.15-12.45 All Years Girls Football
Appropriate weather kit - (Shin Pads are Essential)
Morning Club
Thursday - Athletics Club
After School Clubs - Spring 1
Indoor Athletics Years 3-6
Mr Ramsey P.E Kit
Movie Making and Animation Club Years 3-6
Mr Furlonger
Football Years 5/6 Shin Pads & Boots required
Mr Dyer Appropriate weather kit
Football and Handball Years 4/5 Shin Pads & Boots required
Mr Dyer Appropriate weather kit
Table Tennis Years 3 - 6
Mr Ramsey PE Kit
Book Club Years 5/6
Mrs Chalmers
Dodgeball Years 5/6
Mr Dyer and Mr Ramsey PE Kit
Dodgeball Years 3/4
Mr Ramsey and Mr Dyer PE Kit
Book Club Years 3/4
Mrs Chalmers
Badminton Years 4-6
Mr Ramsey PE Kit
Football Years 3-4 Shin Pads & Boots required
Mr Dyer Appropriate weather kit